Advanced ACT Password Recovery
Advanced ACT Password Recovery, or simply ACTPR, is a program to recover passwords to Symantec ACT! files (*.blb, *.mud). The passwords are recovered instantly; multilingual ones are supported.
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Read what's new in ACTPR 1.02
Download ACTPR 1.02 (Jun 29, 2001; 637K)
Look at other Password recovery software we have (for ZIP / RAR / ACE / ARJ / Word97 / Excel97 / Office97 / Word95 / Excel95 / Office95 / Access / VBA / Outlook / Money / Lotus SmartSuite (WordPro, 1-2-3, Approach, Organizer) / PDF / Backup)
Important! Unregistered version can be used during 30 days after installation (although it doesn't expire, actually) and has some limitations. You can order the fully licensed version of ACTPR over the Internet from RegNow with any major credit card. The ordering page is on a secure server, ensuring that your confidential information remains confidential. As soon as RegNow notifies us that your order has been processed (usually in one business day), we will provide you with the serial number which will register your copy of ACTPR. You can also make the usual wire transfer to our bank account in U.S. or send the check, if you would not like to use you credit card in the Internet; see order.txt for details.
Note: With the Personal License ($30), you can use the program for non-commercial purposes in non-business, non commercial environment. To use the program in a corporate, government or business environment, you should purchase a Business License ($60).
   Order the Fully Licensed Version of ACTPR
Note: If you've made a payment, but haven't got a confirmation letter with your serial number (registration code) within a reasonable amount of time (two business days for credit card payments or two weeks for other payments), please notify us about that! We're very sorry for any inconvenience caused by those delays.